Crowd turns out for Carnivoo

The Smalltown and Dullbridge Crowd turned out in force to thinly line the streets of Smalltown for the Smalltown Carnivoo.

The Crowd were treated to the Greatest Free Show on Earth as millions of brightly coloured vehicles and people in make up and costumes slowly drove the route.

The event was marred by a near disaster when a sink hole emerged midway along the route, coincidentally above the site of the failed Smalltown Metro Tunnel Route, which was originally dug on the orders of Former Mayor of Smalltown and Dullbridge, His Royal Highness, Lord Admiral Emperor Nelson Jones, First Duke of Smalltown MBE, OBE and Knight of the Living Dead, as a direct route from Hayloft Road Palace to his home.

The delay of five hours didn’t deter the Crowd who stood in the pouring rain until the bitter end.

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