Ukrainian flag.
During the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Town Unimprovements (TUMPS) Committee meeting in early September, Chairperson Cllr Banish Barracuda drew the Committees attention to the state of the Albanistanian Flag which has been flying from the flagpole in Jetty Street since war first broke out in the empty whiskey aisle in Liddles.
“It’s getting errrm noticeably shorter by the errrm day”, Cllr Barracuda said, ‘It really errrrm should be taken errrrm down and errrrm replaced with a errrm different flag. It’s errm been there for so errrm long that many errrrm residents can’t errrrm remember why it errrm was put up in the errm first errrm place.”
Fast forward to over a month later and the Albanistanian flag is still there, albeit only half a flag now.
Evidence that the SaD TC Town Unimprovements Committee is doing a grand job.