SomersetClive is delighted to announce that this week we are welcoming Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillor Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker to the office as our guest contributor.
Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker said “I personally am on half-term this week and Headmistress Dullard said that I should keep myself busy learning some new skills because educational is an incredibly important important thing. As a consequence of that consequence she said I should spend my holiday doing work experience.
Last week I was lucky enough to get a work experience work placement at Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council and I spent the week rearranging envelopes in the stationery cupboard at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others).
It was awesome fun and I was even allowed to attend a SaD Council meeting, where they actually let me speak about the importance of telephone boxes and how important they are. Headmistress Dullard gave me a gold star for that.
This week I’m undertaking a work experience work placement with SomersetClive and I myself am personally really looking forward to it. The Editor, Clive Saint, has told me that they have lots of envelopes in the stationery cupboard that need sorting into alphabetical size order.
I think I will probably have to spend a bit of time trying to decide if I should sort them by size and then alphabetically, or sort them alphabetically and then by size. At this point in time I can’t tell you which I am going to choose, because that’s just my opinion and it would not be appropriate to express where I stand in this until I have decided. Tidying envelopes is very important work and after my experience last week I feel reasonable confidence that I’m quite good at it.
I will also be expanding more on the very important topic of telephone boxes, because I think it’s important to explain more about them and how they work because nowadays people don’t really know what they are or what they are used for.
Mr Saint said that it would be good for me to shadow one of the SomersetClive reporters so that I can get an idea of what it’s like out in the real world. I don’t know which of the reporting reporters I’m going to be shadowing, but my first job is to go to a shop and purchase a packet of straws which Mr Clive says will help with the decision.”
SomersetClive reporters are understood to consulting with their Union representatives to ascertain their rights in regards to being expected to work with work experience placements.