More Love in a Smalltown

Volume Two – More Love in a Smalltown – sees us once again following the exploits of dynamic duo Squire Teflon and his close-friend Mistress Bones as they manage to fool some people (mostly SaD Town Councillors) into believing that the World Record Breaking Olympic Sized Swimming Pool and Ice was a success.

Unfortunately some residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge are not happy to see their money spent on the vanity project again and have been rather vocal in their objections.

But Mistress Bones has a plan to make people like them again

Chapter Fourteen.

Mistress Bones shuffled the papers on the table in front of her and cleared her throat. “First of all, I’d like to welcome you all to the inaugural meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events Social Team Fate Worse Than Death Organising Committee. As I came up with the idea to take on the running of the Fate I have made myself Chair of this group so you all have to do as I say.”

Squire Teflon looked around the room, before addressing his close-friend. “You do realise there’s only us here?”

“Yes. It’s better than way. Less people to keep happy. We can make the decisions and tell the other honest volunteers what they have to do.”

“Ah. Good point. If you are thinking of making people happy, then can I put in a request?”

“Not now, my Squire. I’ve got an important meeting to chair.”

“I know. I wasn’t going to suggest that. I was going to ask if I can be Vice-chair, pretty please.”

“Oh. I see. I’m not sure. Someone else might want to be Vice-Chair.”

“My sweet love, there’s no one else here.”

“Well in that case I suppose you could be Vice-Chair. But won’t that call into question your relationship with SADDEST? We’ve spent an entire year claiming that you are nothing to do with SADDEST and that the huge amount of money SADDEST received from your Town Council to run my World Record Breaking Olympic Sized Swimming Pool and Ice Rink was all above board and not a result of you getting the other Councillors to approve both the funding for the first year and to allow us to keep the money to run it again this year.

Making you Vice-Chair may drag all those accusations of you abusing your position again.”

“But this is the Fate Worse Than Death. Everyone loves the Fate Worse Than Death, because it raises thousands of pounds every year for Smalltown Hospital. I can use it to show people what a wonderful person I am and hopefully they will fall for it and vote for me in the next election.”

“I’m still not sure it’s a wise move.”

“Trust me. As Vice-Chair of SADDEST I can recover my reputation. People will see how we’ve saved the Fate and will start to wonder how they could possibly have thought I was in it to gain personal access to you.”

Mistress Bones furrowed her brow. “Alright then. But don’t forget that I’m the Chair and you have to do what I say.”

“Yes, Mistress. I luv it when you take control, my dearest.”

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