A case of Déjà vu

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Planning Committee will tonight discuss a proposal from British Telephones to remove the telephone box located in White Elephant Street.

Councillors previously discussed this in 2021 when British Telephones revealed that in 2020 only ten people had used the White Elephant Street call box which meant it was not economical to keep it in use.

However, Squire Teflon demanded that the White Elephant Street Box remain open as he and his close-friend and employer, Mistress Bones planned to site the defibrillator they were going to purchase from the World Record Breaking Olympic Sized Swimming Pool and Ice Rink funds in that box.

(Oh. I’m sorry. My Editor, Mr Clive Saint, Sir has told me I’m living in a fantasy world and that the purchase of a defibrillator from Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events Social Team (SADDEST) was never going to happen. So I’ll just start that again.)

However, Squire Teflon demanded that the White Elephant Street Box remain open as “a lot of people coming out of the White Elephant Enclosure walk up the road and use that phone box after shows to ring for a taxi.”

(And my Editor thinks I’m living in a fantasy world ‘A lot of people coming out of the White Elephant Enclosure?)

Whilst British Telephones did pay heed to the objections last time it will be hard to see them giving the phone box another stay of execution as, apart from the lack of people coming out of the White Elephant Enclosure, there are no taxis in Smalltown nowadays.

One thought on “A case of Déjà vu

  1. and i thought the defib was going up boots end of town when we were raising funds for it. still don’t know what happened to the funds that were raised for it ?

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