The traditional feel of Smalltown Main Street is encapsulated by the presence outside of its shops by a-boards.
Outside GW Hurling for instance, the headline from a recent edition of the Smalltown & Dullbridge Weekly Snooze is on display. Whilst you will have read all about it on SomersetClive and on Mike Maxman’s award winning website (Ed – what have I said about people mentioning those awards? Can I see you in my office? Now.) some time ago, the ongoing milking of the local people who have won some money is at least recent.
Meanwhile on Jetty Street, the home of Mistress Bones’ Tat & Newspaper Emporium has on display its own Weekly Snooze headline.
Unfortunately, the headline celebration of the closure of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market took place at the end of May, well over four months ago.
Regular readers will be aware that the closure of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market was for a very small period of time with its resurrection monthly secured safely inside the Puritan Church Hall on School Street.
With Mistress Bones’ close friend and employee, Squire Teflon, leading opposition to both the proposed four day Intergalactic Food, Drink, Craft and Tat Fair on Smalltown seafront as well as the earlier proposed four day European Arts Gifts Edibles Revelry (EAGER) on Smalltown seafront, it seems that Mistress Bones is using her a-board to promote ongoing disquiet about events taking place in Smalltown Town Centre
An outdated a-board is a great metaphor for Squire Teflon & Mistress Bones’ contribution to keeping Smalltown behind the times.