SaD Town Council’s CRAP Festival

Given the unholy rows caused by the Holy TriniTree (Black Poplar, Mimosa and Christmas) you could be forgiven for thinking that the last thing Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council would want anyone to do is mention the word ‘tree’ and ‘SaDTC’ in the same breath. However, that is exactly what we are having to do thanls to Dictator Dullard’s Climate Rescue Action Plan (CRAP) Festival.

Starting on Saturday SaDTC are inviting residents to download a map from their website (if residents can navigate the site and find the map) and take themselves off for a spot of orienteering on a self guided tour of the Smalltown Area.

As residents walk they will be encouraged to look out for a selection of 22 trees and plants along the route. A ‘small’ prize will be given to the first person who turns up at the CRAP Festival next weekend with a selection of leaves or photographs of the trees and plants, together with a parental signed copy of their Homework Diary.

It is believed that the ‘small’ prize will be a signed photograph of Dictator Dullard. Isn’t that an exciting thought?

Dictator Dullard has also managed to link her CRAP Festival to the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council’s Festival of Nothing and has included the Nothing events organised by ANYUSSC in her list of CRAP events, no doubt hoping that she can copy their homework and pass it off as her own.

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge can look forward to a raft of news stories and photographs next week, including ‘Dictator Single-handedly Cleans Beach and Streets, Putting Council Litter Pickers Out Of Job’ , ‘Dictator recycles Floral Dress in New Photo’. ‘Dictator Talks Rubbish’, and ‘Dictator Creates Effigy of Councillor Jock McCads Entirely From Rubbish’.

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