What’s on
At the White Elephant Enclosure
Finally. Just when you’d given up hope of an event at the White Elephant Enclosure, not one but two events come along.
But only if you enjoy musical events. If live music is your thing then on Friday you can join an intimate (i. e. small) audience who have paid £18 to see a tribute to Slowfoot Raincoat. This tribute band has appeared at the WEE several times previously, the most recent occasion being only five months ago and it is believed that this could be one reason why ticket sales are poor.
Then, the following night, you can catch another tribute act – this time to a singer who has been dead for sixty years. This act performed at the WEE as recently as March, when audience numbers were so-so, which may explain the slow ticket sales or it could be the £20 ticket cost.
Whether it’s because any potential audience amongst Smalltown and Dullbridge residents have already seen both bands this year, or are simply not interested in seeing them in the first place is unknown, but neither event has sold more than half the available tickets. The basis on which the WEE has been booked – straight hire, bought in or a split of ticket sales – is not yet known, but the prospect of either event making any money for the WEE is doubtful.
Meanwhile, Smalltown’s famous singer Tom Portman has consulted his address book once again and also has two bands scheduled to appear this weekend at the Old Jetty Inn, now the South-West’s premier live music venue.
Going head to head with the WEE’s Slowfoot Raincoat tribute will be a Bryan Springsteen tribute, with free entry and an opportunity to use the bar while you soak up the atmosphere of a real gig, as opposed to bring stuck in your uncomfortable seat until the interval at the WEE.
Then, on the 23rd September Tom is bringing local cover band Novis to the venue, the band perform a variety of classic toe-tapping tunes and are sure to be a hit with pub goers.
With so much music to choose from it is shaping up to be a good week for music fans and another bad week for the WEE.