SomersetClive is delighted to announce that we have secured the services of the
Landscape Maintenance Engineer and Plant Dissemination Officer at the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council (ANYUSCC), Percy Mower, who will be sharing his gardening knowledge with our readers. This month Percy is sharing his tips for lawn care.
Hello Readers! If you’ve been following the example set by myself and my team of Landscape Maintenance Technicians then by now your grass should be around 3ft high. If it isn’t, then I can only assume that you’ve been doing something wrong. Like mowing it.
Don’t worry though, you still have a few months left of the growing season to get it to a tip-top height.
At this stage you may well be wondering how your lawn, which has been trimmed to within an inch of its life into neat stripes can possibly turn into a straggly mess which obscures the view of the road outside your property and which will scratch your knees as you try to push a pathway through it.
It is really very simple. The next time you feel like mowing your lawn – don’t. Put the shed keys down and your feet up and let Mother Nature do her thing. The longer you leave it, the easier it becomes, because after a few weeks you won’t be able to see the shed let alone get to it.
One thing you may want to do before you start is to take your strimmer out of the shed. Put it in the porch, or the conservatory if you have one. It is going to be quite useful over the coming months and I’ll be telling you exactly why next time.