A comedian at Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has decided that Dictator Dullard’s normally over-long lecture for August ‘What I Did In The Last Two Months‘ wasn’t long enough.
The August report, which runs to 94,000 words, was read out to SaD Councillors at the SaD Town Council Full Council meeting and has now been reproduced on the SaD website. However, someone forgot to remove the June report and the two have now been combined into one, making a total of 994,000 words or 994 pages if printed out.
The August report details how Dictator was ‘pleased’ 136 times, how it ‘was good’ 278 times and that she had a ‘lovely time’ 102 times.
As Smalltown and Dullbridge is all about her, Dictator Dullard made far fewer references to ‘we’ in her latest report, with only 96 references. However, the words ‘I’ and ‘my’ increased exponentially, with 2794 examples of the former and 1849 of the latter.
SomersetClive is considering starting a fundraiser to purchase a thesaurus for Dictator Dullard’s personal use.