An application for outline planning permission to demolish three properties in Dullbridge and replace them with 17 flats has been submitted to the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.
In an incredible vision of over-development the applicant plans to demolish two shops and a house in Chapel Street and build 16 one bedroom and a single two bed flat in their place.
The plans detail that there are currently nine parking spaces in use for the site and these nine parking spaces will remain and be available for the 17 flats, which will leave eight of the new residents searching for parking spaces in the surrounding roads. The application makes much of the number of vehicles currently using the site, which it estimates at 228 per day and which it is claimed will drop to only 68 journeys per day, once the flats are constructed.
The remaining residents will either be parking elsewhere or will be expected to use the practically non-existent bus service or catch a train. This will go down well with ANYUSCC’s green policy to reduce the number of cars on the road, but in reality an inability to park a car is not a reason not to have one and the problem of where to park will simply see more cars vying for spaces in nearby already over-crowded roads.
Dullbridge residents have indicated that even a few extra properties will put more strain on the existing GP surgeries. Both Dullbridge Medical Centre and Smalltown Medical Centre are already struggling to cope with patient numbers and will soon have to accomodate all the extra patients which the Brewer Farm and Island Port developments will bring.
Residents have also queried the possibility of Section 106 money being paid to smooth the application through, and are querying what has happened to the existing 106 money which has already been gained from the applications to develop every green patch of land around Dullbridge. The Island Port planning application promised a new GP surgery and Brewer Farm promised a new school, however it is believed that ANYUSCC will keep the money and spend it anywhere but Dullbridge.