Reams of people are expected to throng Smalltown sea front on Sunday as the town’s Annual Rescue Services Event (ARSE) returns to the town.
Gallons of rescuers from across the Somerset area will gather to display and demonstrate their equipment, including members of the Smalltown Area Ship, Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH) and the Really Needy Lifesaving Association (RNLA).
Mayor, Headmistress and Dictator, Kelsey Dullard, will start the day with a lovely cup of tea before members of both rescue organisations, joined by Somerset Fire Service, mount a display demonstrating how they hose down their equipment. No one will be permitted to touch their hoses until Dictator Dullard gives the signal.
Throughout the day there will also be lots of safety advice issued, mainly telling people not to go anywhere near the beach or sea because it is jolly dangerous.
The highlight of the afternoon will see (Previously) Smalltown’s Most Popular Person (Dullbridge Public Enemy No.1) Cllr. Jock McCads dropped into the sea by helicopter, with only a pair of inflatable breasts to keep him afloat.
Members of SMASHH and the RNLA will be joined by Deputy Dictator Sherry who will be co-ordinating the multi-agency rescue effort. Or not.