Somerset Police have sensationally confirmed that Smalltown and Dullbridge Missing Person, Tim Teepee, has been found.
Teepee has served as the Missing Person for the Smells Constituency, which includes Smalltown and Dullbridge, since 2015. With the boundaries set to change in time for the next General Election, which will see Smalltown and Dullbridge leave Smells to join Fridgpond in the new Smalltown and Dullbridge, Fridgpond Unitary Constituency (SaDFUC), Mr Teepee had confirmed that he will be staying in his constituency of Smells. Except he currently isn’t.
A spokeshelmet for Somerset Police told SomersetClive “Yes. It’s completely true. We have found the Missing Person in question. I can confirm that he is alive and well and is currently safe at home with his mum, in Snailsea.”