Smalltown and Dullbridge’s Famous Phrenologist Mystic Mick takes a look backwards for a change to remind readers of his predictions for 2023 and to see exactly how uncannily accurate he was.
Residents celebrate as Sadgebore District Council ceases to exist on April Fool’s Day. It later becomes apparent that hopes that the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council would improve the lives of residents was just one big joke.
Yet another perfectly spot on result for me!
Despite having had over a year to settle in and prepare to take over the work of the previous District Cuoncils, officers, staff and Councillors at the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council still seem to be running around like headless chickens, with no idea of what they are doing.
Using the excuse of ‘No Mow May’, followed by ‘Just Leave It June’, ‘Jungle July’ and now ‘Anyone know where we put the keys to the mower August?’ ANYUSCC has succeeded in making the county look worse than it ever has before.
ANYUSSC has made a dent in the cost of bus fares, by subsiding the price of tickets, but as there aren’t that many buses in Smalltown and Dullbridge this hasn’t benefitted local residents.
Apart from that, ANYUSSC does not appear to have done anything at all to improve the lives of residents in the area.
The White Elephant Enclosure announces a full schedule of events with something on every night of the month.
I don’t know if you spotted it, but these were my predictions for the month of APRIL. the month in which April Fool’s Day falls and this prediction was my April Fool’s joke. Of course the White Elephant Enclosure wasn’t going to announce a full schedule covering every night of the week. It can’t even schedule events to take place once a week.