Mathematics with Karen Borderbum

Smalltown and Dullbridge resident and expert Mathematical Genius Karen Borderbum has set a little quiz for SomersetClive readers, don’t worry, it’s a fun test and your answers won’t be marked by Dictator Dullard, nor will anyone who scores top marks be forced to become the new Smalltown Head of Malfeasance (SHAM).

Question 1.
According to WEE figures there are five groups who regularly hire the WEE for use.
If they were to hire the main Elephant Enclosure there is a £35 per hour charge, but many of the groups prefer to hire either the Elephant Keepers Room or the Squire Teflon Is Our Saviour Room, both of which are substantially cheaper.

However for the purpose of this exercise we will use the £35 figure.

If there are five user groups each paying £35 every week for 50 weeks how much income would that generate in a financial year?

Question 2.

If, for a two month period, the actual box office revenue for booked performances at the White Elephant Enclosure totals around £3300, how much income will be generated over a 12 month period (even though the WEE is basically shut for two months.)

Question 3.

What is the actual annual income for the WEE based on hire costs and revenue from performances?

Question 4.
If, in the previous financial year, you declared your expenditure to be £193,000 (or £16,083 per month), and a similar level of expenditure is expected this financial year, roughly how much money will you lose?

Please show your workings, unless you are an employee of or Councillor for Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council, when this is not necessary.

If you are capable of using a calculator then the answers are:-

  1. Hire £8750
  2. Box office £19800
  3. Hire and Show Income of £28,550
  4. A loss of £164,450

If you are an employee of or Councillor for Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council then your answers should be something along the lines of:-

  1. Triplety twenty-four thousands and seventy four old pennies. Eleveny billions, fifty-seventy-four hundredmillions to the power of eight elephants.
  2. A profit of five shillings, four pfennigs, twoty króna, four old buttons and a euro.
  3. It’s been the WEE’s best year ever, with a massive rise in income, barely any rise in expenditure and a quite incredible result, which is not much worse than any other year.”

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