The last Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meeting, which saw contributions solely made by Chairthing Deputy Dictator Sherry, with not a peep from any other committee member, heard from Cllr Sherry about her recent ascent to the dizzy heights of radio fame.
Deputy Dictator Sherry said “As the Chair of the WEE Mismanagement Committee I was invited onto BBC Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Radio to discuss the Comedy Night at the WEE. I accepted the invitation behind Dictator Dullard’s back, because you know what she’s like – the merest whiff of self-promotion and she’d be there.
Anyway, it was a useful opportunity to raise the profile of myself and the WEE, although it didn’t actually result in any extra bums-on-uncomfortable-seats.
I know my appearance on the radio has left not only Dictator Dullard, but also Squire Teflon feeling rather miffed, as even though he saved the WEE for the nation by spending a pound of his own money to purchase it, and been a member of this committee for over 10 years, he’s never been invited to talk about it on the radio.
The presenter told me that I had ‘a face for the radio’, so I’m hoping to be able to make this a regular thing and will soon be able to oust Dictator Dullard as our SaD spokesthing.”
Deputy Dictator Sherry reminded the councillors, members of the public and press at the meeting that everything she says is “Confidential, Top Secret and not to be disseminated outside of this building”. SomersetClive is happy to oblige.