Irony alive and well at ANYUSCC

The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council has been suggesting on social media that residents take the time to appreciate trees in their local area and to submit photographs of their favourite trees to the ANYUSSC AceCrook page.

A spokesacorn said “As part of our tree strategy, we want to get people thinking more about trees and what they offer us and the environment around us.”

A member of the Save Our Tree group, set up to try to prevent ANYUSSC from destroying the rare ‘Dangerous’ Black Poplar on the corner of Vicarage and Barrow Road said “The gall of them! They did their level best to stop us thinking about saving the tree and, working in cahoots with Dictator Dullard, stamped out all chance of an open discussion on the subject, by getting her to make the decision to destroy it all on her own.

We have been actively discouraged from thinking about trees and Pete Bitterman, Branch Manager for Trees at ANYUSCC refused to listen to our views on how this tree has improved the environment and been a home to wildlife for years. He even refused our request to meet him, preferring instead to meet only with Dictator Dullard and her friend.

It’s an absolute disgrace that they now come out with this new ‘stategy’. I would advise everyone not to reveal the details of any favourite trees, because the chances are that ANYUSSC will find a reason to fell it once it’s brought to their attention.”

Meanwhile in Dullbridge resident Tabitha Twist said I’ve recently moved into a new home on the Brew Farm Estate. I’ve been told by people who have lived in the area for years that this was once a thriving home for wildlife, with trees and hedges everywhere.

There’s no chance of me finding any tree, favourite or not, as Sadgebore District Council allowed the developers to raze them all to the ground. It’s really sad around here now.”

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