What’s on

At the White Elephant Enclosure this week.

It’s been a very busy month at the White Elephant Enclosure in July.

Ticket sales for the comedy tribute act ‘Not like That’, a mixture of comedy and magic based on the career of Timmy Hooper were so poor that the show was cancelled. On the plus side this did at least mean that the act didn’t die on stage, like its inspiration.

The final event in July takes place on Friday 28th and is the third evening in the series of Comedy Nights, the hilarious idea proposed by the ex-Smalltown Culture and Arts Person (SCAMP), in yet another attempt to get bums on seats at the WEE. Despite moving the furniture around so that only 80 seats are available, so far under half the seats have been snapped up, so it seems that the SCAMP will be departing with a whimper.

With only two actual events taking place in the entire month the income from ticket sales for the WEE in July will barely cover the cost of staff tea and biscuits. The idea promoted in the Top Secret Consultants Top Secret Report that ‘Sunday events should be considered’ looks to be wide of the mark, given that there are six other days in a week that could be considered first.

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