McCads Mystery

Deputy Dictator Sherry’s box of ‘Open, Honest and Transparent’ Actions

Mystery surrounds the reappearance of (Previously) Smalltown’s Most Popular Person (Dullbridge Public Enemy No.1) Cllr Jock McCads, with several residents asking if he has finally been DeFuddled.

Following the guilty verdict brought against Cllr McCads by the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council’s Standards Board, after he faced accusations of Sexual Misconduct, Cllr McCads had been absent from Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council meetings held at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others).

The punishment imposed by ANYUSCC Standards Board had been for Cllr McCads to attend a number of training courses designed to teach him how to behave around members of the opposite sex and not to mention the word ‘breasts’ in public’ and until those had been completed Cllr McCads was not allowed anywhere near Hayloft Road Palace.

However, an exception was made to allow Cllr McCads to attend meetings for which he was a Committee member. This exception was scuppered by Dictator Cllr Dullard and Deputy Dictator Cllr Sherry, acting as the BeFuddled Party, who firstly extended the ban to include meetings, and further solidified their decision by stripping him of all the Committees he had previously served on, leaving him with no legitimate reason to set foot in the building.

The latest SaD Town Council Full Council Meeting was held at the Porland Community Hub – from where Cllr McCads isn’t banned – and as all Councillors are members of that Committee Cllr McCads was entitled to attend, punishment or not.

Rumours have been circulating amongst residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge suggesting that the action taken by the SaD BeFuddled Party was to throw Cllr McCads out of the group and that Cllr McCads is now serving as an Independent Councillor. However despite promising Squire Teflon that full details of the punishment bestowed on Cllr McCads would be made public, a deathly silence has ensued.

The entire episode has revealed something of a schism within the local BeFuddled Party,l with several members, led by Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Sherry wanting to see McCads banished for eternity, other members following the lead of Local Party leader Cllr Barracuda and asking for a broom to sweep the matter under the carpet, but with the majority unable to decide.

If a decision has been made and not shared more widely then it has obviously been filed in Deputy Dictator Sherry’s Pandora’s Box of ‘Open, Honest and Transparent Actions’ along with all the other Top Secret decisions Cllr Sherry has made since taking office.

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