HISS receive surprise

Members of the History Information Society – Smalltown (HISS) were over the moon on Saturday when the postman delivered a very special envelope.

HISS has produced a number of leaflets and booklets over the years, detailing the history of Smalltown and Dullbridge, as well as a couple of Town Trail History Leaflets, designed to get people out into the fresh air and learn more about the towns they live in.

This year HISS produced a special Coronation Leaflet detailing past Royal visits to Smalltown and Dullbridge, with photographs from Queen Mary II’s trip to Dullbridge to open the sewage works in 1728, King Alfred’s 1647 trip to Pooples Electricals in Smalltown to enquire about the price of a new oven and the minor royal whom nobody has ever heard of, who opened the White Elephant Enclodure in 1927 A copy of the leaflet was send to Muckingham Palace marked ‘For the Attention of King Henry IX’.

HISS’s Jan Popoff said “We thought King Henry would like to see a copy of the leaflet containing pictures of his ancestors visiting Smalltown. We didn’t expect any acknowledgement of its receipt, because we sent it second class and not signed for, so you can imagine out delight when we received a card to tell us it had arrived.

It was lovely to receive such a kind and thoughtful gesture. The King and Queen were probably inundated with well wishes, so to be singled out in this way is incredibly special.

I expect Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Mayor, Headmistress and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard is really jealous. She would have loved this chance of a photo opportunity.

Dictator Dullard was later said to be ‘hopping mad’ after learning that not only had she not been the recipient of the card, but that photos of her investiture as ‘Most Important Person in Smalltown and Dullbridge’ had also been omitted from the Coronation leaflet.

A source told us “She’s going to be having firm words with Deputy Dictator Sherry, who was in charge of deciding who would be allowed to apply for a grant, and asking her to explain why a chance to be included in this lovely photo opportunity was declined. I wouldn’t like to be Deputy Dictator Sherry today.”

This was the 94th time HISS has been declined Town Council funding, with sponsors of the previous leaflet including the Chernobyl-by-Sea Slush Fund, Brizzle Water and the Dalstonbury Festival.

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