Mystic Mick looks back again

Smalltown’s foremost and favourite phantasmagorical person, Mystic Mick takes a break from looking into the future to look into the past. What were his predictions for February?

A Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillor will resign their position, after revealing that the pressure put on them by Headmistress Kelsey Dullard and her deputies Eugenie Sherry and Patsy Knickers to hand in homework on time, was “too much“. This will leave a spare seat on the Council and Squire Teflon will propose that his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones be invited to fill it. The BeFuddled Party appeal to ex-Councillor Fencesitter to find them another ex-teacher. Unfortunately there aren’t any ex-teachers left in either Smalltown or Dullbridge, so ex-Councillor Fencesitter becomes Cllr. Fencesitter once again. Several residents will confirm that “We’re doomed’“.

A tricky one this, because I actually saw three resignations ahead for this year. One Illiberal and one or possibly two BeFuddled – I’m finding the details a bit blurry at this stage but all three names are still up there floating around in the ectoplasmic ether at the moment and it’s still very much a possibility that before the year is out we could well see resignations from either Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council or the BeFuddled Party, so I don’t want to say too much yet

In a last ditch move before they close their doors for good, Sadgebore District Council approve planning permission for the construction of 9.4 million houses on every available green patch of land in and around Dullbridge.

Anyone who has visited Dullbridge lately will know that there’s an awful lot of building going on, what with the south of Dullbridge now threatening to engulf the village of East Muntsbill and the north creeping towards Easton-under-Water. Although we won’t be able to blame Sadgebore District Council for granting planning permission for houses, but not insisting on any desperately needed infrastructure in the future, we WILL be able to blame the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council. So it’s not all hopeless.

Safe to say that my 100 percent spot-on record for predictions is still intact.

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