Lady Brassy claims the biggest crowd since the last biggest crowd

Left: Cheese Festival crowd.
Right: Jumbley Junket crowd.

In scenes reminiscent of Ronald Tramp’s inauguration, where he claimed a bigger crowd than had turned up for Barat Llama’s inauguration, despite photographic evidence proving otherwise, Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water has claimed that the Jumbley Junket with Free (not Free) Cake organised by herself and Squire Teflon’s close friend and employer Mistress Bones’ Smalltown Shops (SS) Group had been more popular than the Smalltown Cheese Festival.

Responding to photographs of the crowds attending the food festival in George Street, School Street and the top end of Main Street, Lady Brassy showed a photograph of her own saying “Can I please, please, please remind everyone that MY Smalltown Jumbley Junket event which I organised all on my own to celebrate Queen Victoria II’s Titanium Jubilee was incredibly popular. The crowds at my brilliant, brilliant, brilliant event were probably more biggly than the Cheese Festival. Here is a photograph taken from overhead of the entire Main Street, showing how the crowd was spread out.

What this actually proves is that it is not difficult to attract footfall on quite impressive scale infact… more the challenge is ensuring that footfall we attract is well timed and very best considered to benefit as many of the traders in the entire vicinity as absolutely possible.”

(Note: If anyone can translate the second part of Lady Brassy’s statement SomersetClive would be delighted to hear from you.)

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