Dictator Dullard continues her End of Term Reports by taking a look at another Illiberal Party Councillor.
Councillor Saul Synn
Illiberal Party
Cllr Saul Synn has not enjoyed his experience as a Councillor, so much so that he has stopped coming to meetings entirely. He had asked Squire Teflon if he could leave, but was instead persuaded to take an extended leave of absence, rather than force a by-election which could see another novice BeFuddled Party member replace him on Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.
He has attended only three of my Very Important Full Council meetings, three Finance committee meetings, one of two Dead and Buried meetings and a mere five of 15 Planning meetings. Out of a total of 29 meetings he has been present at only 10, which equals only 35% attendance.
In common with several other Council members his name has not appeared in the news since the day he was elected.
Effort: Minus 94/10
Achievement: Minus 94/10
Conclusion: I am not sure if and when we will see Cllr Synn again. It may be that he is not suited to this sort of high pressure environment and would be better off sitting at home in front of the television, rather than trying to tax his brain with decisions. It may be time for Squire Teflon to do the kindest thing and put Cllr Synn out of his misery.