The second of this year’s Mad Hatter’s Tea Parties will take place on Sunday in Smalltown’s Chateau Gardens.
Often described as Smalltown’s version of the Dalstonbury Festival, the line up features a host of top local musicians and is organised by Smalltown’s (Previously) Most Popular Person, Councillor Jock McCads. The show, which is part-funded by Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, proving the adage ‘It’s not what you know but..’ to be true, starts at noon on Sunday.
“It’s going to be a great afternoon”, said Cllr McCads, “As well as the great music there will also be several stalls selling great ice creams, great burgers and great alcohol.
I will also be wandering around selling raffle tickets and taking the time to check out women’s cleavages and make inappropriate comments.
There are some great prizes in the raffle, including my boxed set of Benny Hill videos, a signed photograph of Donald Trump, a balcony bra and a ‘Kiss me Quick’ hat.”
The afternoon will include music from Tailor Stoppem, Kevin Kennedy, The Graveyard Rave Band and popular local duo Minute Murmurs, who will be performing covers of popular hits including ‘Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’, ‘She Drives Me Crazy’, ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’ and the punk classic ‘Peaches’.
Ladies are reminded that, if they don’t want to attract unwanted attention, they should wear a turtleneck jumper.