Crowds of people will throng the streets of Smalltown on Saturday as the eagerly awaited World-famous Smalltown Cheese Festival returns to the town.
The event, now in its eleventh year and with this the 94th time it has been held in Smalltown, will once again see a wide variety of cheese available to buy.
Organiser Margot Farmhouse-Kitchener told SomersetClive “Following the demise and then undemise of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market we are delighted to be Brieing our Cheese Festival back to our home town of Smalltown. The Cheese Festival offers residents and visitors the chance to stock up on all their favourite edible products. Especially Cheese.”
Co-organiser, Felicity Farmhouse-Kitchener squeaked “We are delighted to Brie back in Smalltown. Despite opposition from a close-friend of Squire Teflon and business owner in Jetty Street we know that a lot of local businesses love having our Cheese Festival take place here on the Bank Holiday weekend, as it cheesily brings so many people into the town centre. They Swiss we could be here every weekend!
Our Cheese Festival is always Grate, because it’s Nacho ordinary Cheese Festival, we have a wide variety of produce available from a wide variety of producers. You’d be Emmental to miss it!”
Anyone planning to visit the Cheese Festival is advised to get there EarLeerdammer to beat the crowds.