A new Town Bored of local residents and businesses is to be formed in Smalltown to come up with ideas to shape the town’s future.
Sadgebore District Council was awarded £50,000 of government funding in June last year to look into the reasons why Smalltown was stagnating and to seek ideas for improvement. The Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage (TaFFETA) – a group of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts – convened by the now-defunct Sadgebore District Council, concluded that it was down to a lack of interest and investment from Sadgebore.
This conclusion was swiftly brushed under the carpet and a new working group was formed – the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy (FuTILE), a group of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts – FuTILE held a workshop in early May and concluded that what was really needed to see improvements in Smalltown was a Town Bored.
The Town Bored will be made up of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts, but it is hoped that a selection of local people who feel enthusiastic about the town and its future will also join.
A spokesperson said “The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Members will have seats on the Bored, but will not be the leading force. Following a Bored election, a leadership workshop will take place for the Bored members.
We would love to hear from any individuals who care about Smalltown and its future and who may have some ideas and be willing to bang their heads against a brick wall as Councillors from the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council faff around wasting time and money talking about things, rather than getting on and doing it.
Anyone interested in applying should email economicundevelopment@allnewyetunimprovedsomersetcuontycouncil@hotmail.co.uk, putting the word ‘Spam’ in the subject title. They will then be supplied with a link to a form, which can only be completed online and which will crash just when the applicant thinks they’ve completed it.
Councillors from both the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and SaD Town Council will then choose the successful candidates who will help form the Bored before the end of June, in this way we hope to keep out any residents who may have any valid ideas.“
Once formed the Town Bored then has a further year to spend whatever is left of the £50k government funding on a series of meetings, workshops and expert advice.