Smalltown Small Town Small Market ends

The organisers of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market have announced that the market will no longer run in the town. The Smalltown Small Town Small Market had been held once a month on a Friday in Smalltown’s Main Street since before records began

In a statement issued yesterday the organisers said “We are sad to announce that we will be winding up our small town small market in Smalltown. Sadly the Smalltown Small Town Small Market never took off in the way our Small Town Small Markets did in other small towns, probably because it was held on a Friday when everyone was at work.

We tried to bring more small town market traders to Smalltown, but it has become obvious that Smalltown is too small to support the event, and the number of traders has now dwindled down to the smallest number ever.

We thank the small number of people who did support our Smalltown Small Town Small Market and would remind everyone that, in common with a lot of things like this – if you don’t use it you’ll lose it.”

Small Town Small Markets will continue to operate in other small towns around the area, with the closest to Smalltown held in the small town of Oxbridge, which takes place on the first Saturday of every month.

Smalltown Cheese Festival organiser, Margot Farmhouse-Kitchener, said “It’s a great shame to see the end of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market. Perhaps it could be replaced by something more seasonal – an Intergalactic Food, Drink, Craft and Tat Market on Smalltown Seafront, for example.”

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