Magic roundabout to open

Work on a magic new roundabout on the A94 through Dullbridge is nearing completion following months of roadworks.

The new road layout has been introduced at the entrance to the massive new New-Dullbridge housing development where hundreds and hundreds of homes are currently being built on the outskirts of the town.

Construction of the magic roundabout has been ongoing for almost a year, causing disruption and delays for people living nearby and anyone using the A94.

Residents and motorists are now eagerly awaiting the removal of the traffic lights which have caused untold misery.

SomersetClive reader and Dullbridge resident Doris Blight recently recalled the opening of the previous roundabout installed at the Dullbridge Asdal store. Doris told us “It was all go when the Asdal roundabout opened. We bundled up the children, charged the camera for pictures for the family album and took a picnic. Best day out in a long time and we got a little bit dizzy driving around it THREE TIMES in a row!

We’re a mad bunch in our house”

The new roundabout is expected to attract a similar crowd.

One thought on “Magic roundabout to open

  1. We thought it was finished last week as there were about 30 blokes standing around doing nothing whilst traffic was building up. It took longer to get from there to the YMCA than it did to drive to the roundabout from Stogursey.
    We won’t miss the traffic lights as there are so many housing estates being built with attendant lights and chaos.

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