Renowned beach artist Sidney Bouquet has revealed his latest work of art during a visit to Bream beach at the weekend.
Using only a spade Mr Bouquet carves intricate designs into the sand, which are best viewed from the top of nearby Bream Hill. His latest work covered an area of 950 square metres.
Visitor Mrs Edith Mead (85) said “It took me a lot of effort to get to the top of Bream Hill, but I’m so glad I did. From here you can see it in all it’s glory. It’s massive, isn’t it? It’s made me come over all of a quiver.”
Lily Langford (87) agreed adding “It must take an awful lot of hard work. Well done to the artist.”
Mr Bouquet was delighted with the reaction to his latest work telling SomersetClive “I’m glad people are impressed. I put a lot of myself into my work so it’s good to see that people appreciate it.”