Last night’s meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Finance and Misappropriation Committee meeting saw Councillors reject two of the grant applications and reduce funding to a third application.
After reading yesterday’s article in SomersetClive SaD Town Councillors took the comments on board when making their decisions.
Smalltown’s Most Popular Person (Dullbridge Public Enemy No. 1), Cllr Jock McCads’ was awarded £2,500 to hold his Mad Hatter’s Tea Parties. Cllr McCads had asked for £3,000, but the sum awarded was £500 less after SomersetClive pointed out that he had already received the £500 from a previous application to the SaDTC Celebratory Coronation Celebration grant budget earlier this year.
Meanwhile, an application from Bark Youth Theatre for £2,500 was turned down by councillors who understood that “the group’s activities are not carried out in the parish of Burnham and Highbridge.” Which is exactly what Clive said yesterday. Unfortunately, even mentioning the magic words ‘White Elephant Enclosure’ failed to work on this occasion.
A bid for funding from Central Eco Ltd was also rejected, with Cllr Banish Barracuda whispering “We need more information about this, because as SomersetClive said it’s something that should come out of our Climate Rescue Action Plan (CRAP) budget, which at the moment has been ring fenced by the Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Dullard to spend on cups and medals for anyone who makes a suggestion for ways to rescue the planet.
I would respectfully suggest that Dictator Dullard diverts the money from her own CRAP budget to pay for this, but I’m not going to say this too loudly or to her face.”
However, no one was prepared to reject the application from Dictator Dullard’s favourite charity Anywhere Else, with the company being awarded the full application sum of £2,500.
This brings the amount given to Anywhere Else so far this year to £6500 and adds to the £2500 awarded last September making a total of £9000 which the Directors of Anywhere Else PLC will no doubt find in their dividend package at some point in the future. If this level of support from SaDTC continues then it won’t be long before Anywhere Else has more money in the bank than the Town Council itself.
Meanwhile the Festival Of Graffiti Wall Art and Rap Noise Interwoven with Noisy Groups in Smalltown (FOGWARNINGS) was awarded £2,500 towards the cost of holding the popular event in September.
The other successful application came from the organisers of the Sadgebore Play Day, which is a free-to-attend family fun day held in Pinnacle Park and which brightens up the lives of children in Dullbridge.
However, Cllr Robert NotBothered, himself a Dullbridge Councillor, said that this funding should only be released if the organisers also get financial support from the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.
Fingers crossed that they do, because otherwise families in Dullbridge will know who to blame if the event doesn’t go ahead.
SomersetClive extend our congratulations to the Finance and Misappropriation Committee for finally acting with due diligence when awarding grants.
Perhaps come August SaD TC could publicise the deadline for applications, rather than trying to keep it quiet, in the hope that no one notices.