After a break of almost 15 years the once popular Under A Full Moon music festival is to return to Smalltown in July. The event, traditionally held to coincide with a full moon so that outdoor lighting was not required, will this year take place during a lunar phase when there will be hardly any moon, so has been renamed Under a Waxing Moon.
Organisation of the event has been taken on by Easton-under-Water company Showpub Repulsions and one of the new organisers of the event, Bob Holness told SomersetClive “We know that people who come to the event are used to the night being brightly lit by a full moon, but this year we are asking everyone to bring a torch with them to help them find their way to the toilets.”
In its hey-day the event used to attract around 500 people, but this year organisers have 2000 tickets for sale, with around 100 already sold.
Unfortunately, the organisers didn’t bother to check the local ‘What’s On’ listings and so the event will be taking place on the same day as Pride – a Really Unique Diversity Event (PRUDE) which will take place in Chateau Gardens and will feature musical acts, dance and lots of drama.
PRUDE organiser, Strewth Accrington-Stanley said “It’s great to see another event taking place in Smalltown, giving people a choice of which Diverse event they want to attend, but it’s a pity that organisers of events don’t bother to communicate with each other.
We’ve already seen the Toytown Really Important Pride Event (TRIPE) announce that their event will be taking place on the same day as ours and now this! It means people have to choose which event to attend, rather than being able to go to all of them. That’s not very inclusive, is it?”
Tickets for Under a Waxing Moon, which takes place on July 22 at the Smalltown Area Sports Hub and Youth Sports (SASHAYS) cost £19.40 plus booking fee.
PRUDE takes place in Chateau Gardens in the same day. Tickets are not required.
It’s a pity we couldn’t have an event like this in Dulltown. But they’re building houses on all the open spaces