Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard has been asking Dullbridge residents for information about the town.
Her questions came after it emerged that, far from living in either Smalltown or Dullbridge, she actually lives in Bedmore but is expecting to move to Dullbridge at some point.
However, Cllr Dullard has admitted that she doesn’t actually know anything about Dullbridge and it is expected that she will be in for a bit of a culture shock when she exchanges the quiet, sedate and genteel town of Bedmore for Dullbridge, which is often described as ‘Inner City Living in the Countryside’.
Dictator Dullard is not the first Mayor of Smalltown and Dullbridge to live outside of the area, however she is the first to not know know anything about the towns she represents. SomersetClive readers will be aware that previous Mayor, Cllr Mark Facelift, lives in Fridgpond and sought re-election to SaD Town Council last year, giving his address as the SaD Town Council Office in Hayloft Road. However he was at least able to claim to be a ‘Dullbridge Boy‘, having been brought up in the area and running a business in the town.
Cllr Dullard used a Smalltown address on her nomination papers and it is believed that she also spent a few months living in an upturned lobster pot in Former Councillor Fencesitter’s back garden in order to qualify for election.
The news that she doesn’t live locally also explains her strange decision to appoint a Mayor’s Chaplain who isn’t in the Parish but instead represents churches in Barrow and Bream, despite Smalltown and Dullbridge having a variety of vicars who could have fulfilled the role.