PRUDE announce fundraiser

Mystic Mick in action

Smalltown and Dullbridge Pride – a Really Unique Diverse Event (PRUDE) has announced their next fundraiser.

A spokesunicorn said “Taking place at the Porland Community Hub on April 29th we are delighted to welcome popular West Country spiritualist Karen P. Penguin for an evening of Mediumship. Tickets are on sale now, so grab yours quickly because Karen says it won’t be long before they sell out.”

On hearing the news Smalltown’s own Psychic Guru, Mystic Mick, called into the office to share his opinion.

Dealing with an apoplectic rage Mystic said” “Karen is well aware that Smalltown and Dullbridge is MY patch. Any spirits roamin in the gloamin around here are MY spirits. She has no right turning up here to talk to my spirits, even if it is for a fundraiser.

Ask your readers to think about this – If Karen was any good at this seeing into the future stuff then why didn’t she see that Toytown Pride would announce their event was taking place on the same day as PRUDE?

My Japanese spirit guide Hero Shima told me about the date clash before any of these Pride groups had even decided they were going to hold a Pride event.

Anyway, Karen only offers Mediumship. I offer Maximumship.”

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