Smalltown’s Pride – a Really Unique Diverse Event (PRUDE) has confirmed that the event will take place on July 22nd in Chateau Gardens.
A PRUDE spokesperson said “We are aware that, although we announced our date a few months ago the organisers of Toytown Really Important Pride Event (TRIPE) have attempted to steal our thunder by announcing that their event will take place on the same day.
We find this rather unfortunate. We went to a lot of effort to avoid holding our event on the same time as their usual date – the last weekend in July – as we were aware that the TRIPE organisers were a trifle miffed after Levi Smeller, Former Founder, Director, CEO, and Legend in his own Bedroom, had scheduled his own failed Smalltown Pride – Unique New Concept (SPUNC) to take place on ‘their’ weekend.
Now it seems as if they’ve deliberately moved their event to clash with ours.
We don’t see it as competition. Our event will be the first PRUDE in Smalltown and Dullbridge and, unlike TRIPE, no one will need to purchase a ticket to join in with the fun!
We’ve had a lot of support from the LGBTQWERTY community who have said they will be attending PRUDE, as it is a new event on the calendar, rather than TRIPE, so the move has backfired somewhat.
There is a slight concern that there won’t be enough Drag Queens to go around, but we still have Squire Teflon’s alterego Myrad N Revlon waiting in the wings and desperate to get on the stage if we need him/her/them/that.”
Current plans for PRUDE will see the event start with a Flamboyant Flag March which will start in Dullbridge, and bring some much needed colour to the town, before culminating in Chateau Gardens in Smalltown where there will be rainbows, sparkles, unicorns and a bar.