Residents who attend the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council Committee meeting have questioned why Headmistress and Mayor Councillor Kelsey Dullard insists on giving a lecture detailing practically every aspect of her life at the start of every meeting. Questions have also been raised about her patronising manner and lack of adjectives.
“Honestly, she drones on and on and on. It’s relentless. Just when you think she’s finished, she starts up again.” regular attendee Arthur Sixpence told SomersetClive. “The previous Mayor, Cllr Mark Facelift, used to take a couple of minutes to tell us anything of real importance, but Dullard can talk about herself for up to 45 minutes.
She needs to be restricted to a three minute spot the same as any resident who has registered to speak.
It wouldn’t be quite so bad, but she speaks to us as if we are a class of six-year olds and she appears to have a very limited grasp of the English language when it comes to adjectives. Everything is either ‘lovely’, ‘good’ or ‘wonderful’.
Fellow attendee Jenny Farthing agreed, saying “Anyone would think SaD Town Council is all about her. She certainly seems to think it is. You can see the same glazed expression on everyone’s faces.
We really aren’t interested in the number of cups of tea she’s drunk. Anyone would think that’s all that happens in Smalltown and Dullbridge.
This month, instead of telling us what she had for breakfast, she could have explained her reasons for attending a secret meeting with a select three other people to agree the future of the rare tree on the corner of Vicarage and Barrow Road.”
SomersetClive contacted Cllr Dullard for comment but she was uncharacteristically silent and a spokesman told us that she is currently waiting for the fuss to die down before taking part in any photo opportunities.