Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council together with the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT) and the Chamber of Business Benefiting the Local Economy in Dullbridge (COBBLED) will be hosting a COP94 session in Dullbridge.
The event, due to held at the Dullbridge Community Hall, will enable businesses to find different ways to make their operation more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
A spokesperson said “Smalltown and Easton Energy Company will be on hand to help businesses install solar panels on their roofs and in their car parks and also offer ideas on how to save on energy costs by switching off all their office and manufacturing equipment.
Community group Our Dullbridge has joined forces with the Smalltown Gardening Club and will be issuing advice on how best to plant up some flowerbeds at the base of solar panels to make them look more attractive.
Pop along at 7.00pm to hear Miserbel Dring the Foot Path Officer at the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, talk about ‘How being close to the coast can benefit tourism’, where she will expand on the idea that being close to the seaside can attract people who like to holiday by the seaside.”
The event will run from 7pm to 9pm thereby giving busy business owners the chance to finish a long hard day at work and grab a sandwich before joining the fun.