SaD Councillors object

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors have this week lodged their objections to an application by the Dross Bar to extend their weekend opening hours until 1.30am.

The owners of the Dross Bar have submitted an application to vary their licence conditions to allow the sale of alcohol on Fridays and Saturdays and to allow live music until 1.30am on the same days, but had offered to ensure that the music would be inaudible outside the property, which would mean turning the volume down to two on the sound system.

However, Town Councillors were unimpressed by this with Deputy Headmistress and Fun Police Officer, Cllr Patsy Knickers saying “I objected to this before and I’m objecting again. This sounds like something which, in some circles, could be construed as fun and I don’t agree with the idea of people enjoying themselves and having fun.”

Squire a Teflon also objected to the idea citing the proximity of residential properties who already have to put up with the sound of revellers congregating in the narrow lane outside the bar to drink, smoke and shout.

Town Councillors agreed to lodge a formal objection to the plan with Sadgebore District Council as well as the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, depending on whether the application is due for consideration before or after April 1st. Neither Council will take the views of SaD Town Council into consideration when reviewing the application.

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