Rare sighting spotted

Some Smalltown residents were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the natural phenomenon, the Western Lights, last night.

SomersetClive reader and amateur astronomer, Professor Bryan Cocks sent us this photo which he captured from the spare room bedroom of his house in Mornington Terrace.

Professor Cocks said “I was feeling a bit down last night and couldn’t sleep, so to avoid disturbing my wife I took myself off into our spare bedroom to try to get some shut-eye.

I was closing the curtains and happened to glance out and was astonished to see the night sky lit up in a variety of blue and red colours.

At first I thought Squire Teflon had spontaneously erupted again, because I live quite close to Kidlington Road, but the colours were a bit off and besides, no one has criticised his mismanagement of the White Elephant Enclosure nor mentioned his close-friend Mistress Bones for a few days.

It was then that I realised that although what I was seeing was the Aerial Boreosis, it was different to our usual Smalltown one and was instead the Western Lights, which are normally only visible in Scottishland.

This rare and unusual sighting brightened my mood considerably and I think that from now on things can only get better.

Professor Cocks also confirmed that it was unlikely that the lights could be seen from Dullbridge due to the high levels of smog above the town.

Did you see the Western Lights? Send Clive your photos.

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