Local club to compete in World Championships

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Jig Club will be sending several teams to compete in the World Jig Championships for the first time in April.

The club will be entering teams in five categories at the 2023 Championships which will be take place on the Isles of Silly. This will be the 94th Championship but the first time that a Jigging team from Smalltown and Dullbridge will attend.

A spokesperson from the SaD Jig Club said “We will be taking our wooden clogs and entering teams in five categories – Women’s Jig, Men’s Jig, Mixed Jig, Highest Jig and Fastest Jig.

We welcome new members to join our Jig Club. It’s a fun sport which basically involves jumping up and down on the spot. You don’t really need any special equipment, apart from clogs, and we offer full training. Jigging is a great way to keep fit.”

SaD Jig Club will also be holding a Jigatta this June in Smalltown, where teams from across Somerset will demonstrate their jigging skills to anyone who wants to watch.

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