During the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Finance and Misappropriation Meeting on Tuesday Councillors met to discuss and agree spending for King Henry IX’s Commemorative Coronation Celebrations in Smalltown and Dullbridge.
The meeting, classified as ‘Extraordinary’ because it was held on an emergency basis, due to time restraints caused by too much thinking and talking, saw councillors agree to spend money on recommendations from the Commemorative Ideas Group (CIG). It was confirmed that the sum of £2400 was available to fund Coronation celebrations.
Having learnt nothing from the Jubilee Tree debacle, councillors agreed to purchase two trees, but are expected to discover at some point that SaD Town Council does not own any land in either Smalltown or Dullbridge where these can be planted. Instead they will need to seek permission from the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council to plant the trees on their land, which will see two more trees for SCC to not maintain.
It was also revealed that a resident had already obtained a large grant to purchase trees, however this was completely ignored by the councillors present, who decided to waste money from their own coffers rather than accept the money from an outside source. It is therefore highly likely that Smalltown and Dullbridge could be over run with new trees with nowhere to plant them.
The previous plan to purchase 20 flags to be distributed equally between Smalltown and Dullbridge, with Smalltown being allocated 19 flags and Dullbridge getting one flag, wasn’t mentioned – possibly because the Smalltown New Administration Guru (SNAG) has finally found the bunting and flags which have been in storage in a cupboard at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others).
Deputy Headmistress Cllr Eugenie Sherry also revealed plans for an art competition for school children, and £200 was allocated to purchase Mayoral Medals for the winners.
The Committee further agreed that the remaining £1500 in the budget be allocated in grants to support events within Smalltown and Dullbridge. Grant applications must be received by 6th March and will be considered by the Finance and Misappropriation Committee at their next meeting on 13th March.
Applicants must submit a 1000 word essay detailing their plans for an event which must be held in either Smalltown or Dullbridge over the Coronation weekend, be open to all members of the public and be free to attend. A maximum of £500 will be allocated to any one event, which probably won’t be enough to cover the cost of hiring a Maypole as the centrepiece to Squire Teflon’s close-friend Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water’s Smalltown Shops (SS) groups Commemorative Coronation Celebratory Cake Cavalcade.