WEE committee meeting wasn’t

The Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meeting got off to a bad start on Tuesday night when those arriving at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) found themselves greeted by a notice on the door which read ‘This meeting is not suitable for those under 18′.

Unfortunately this led to Cllr Rob Apprentice-Candlestick Maker having to spend the duration of the meeting sat in the car with his mum.

With Squire Teflon absent because Mistress Bones had stamped her foot and said “It’s Valentine’s Day. It’s her or me. And I pay your wages:” it was left to the novice Councillors to try to conduct business.

Addressing the meeting Deputy Headmistress and Chair Person Cllr Eugenie Sherry said “There’s been quite a lot going on at the WEE since the start of the New Year. The Smalltown New Administration Guru (SNAG) Katie Global has been spending her office time working there, trying to make sure the staff know what they are doing. She’s having a tough time, because she doesn’t know exactly what it is they should be doing in the first place, just like us, she has no experience of running a WEE.

We are aware that we are supposed to be working on a business plan, but we haven’t come up with anything because we don’t know how to do that.

We also have to discuss the future of staffing at the WEE, but really that’s beyond our remit as it is a Human Resources matter and nothing to do with this committee, even though, traditionally, it has been something discussed by this committee.

In January we received a letter from the owner of the Blitz Cinema, Padraig Irishh, who has expressed an interest in taking over and running the WEE. We have decided not to tell anyone about this because, again, it’s nothing to do with us and is not something we should discuss here because it’s not the job of this committee to discuss anything relating to the management of the White Elephant Enclosure.

Instead of us talking about it now and making a recommendation to the full Council we will bypass that normal procedure and take it straight to the next Town Council meeting for discussion. The WEE Mismanagement Committee simply doesn’t have the powers to discuss anything which relates to managing the WEE.”

Cllr Sherry then drew the meeting to a close saying “I don’t think there’s anything else this Mismanagment committee needs to not discuss, so we may as well all go home.”

With two major decisions which should have been discussed by the WEE committee pushed on to other committees SomersetClive wonders how long it will be before the new Councillors work out exactly how Council committees work and take the elephant by the horns rather than shirk their responsibilities.

If the WEE Mismanagement Committee can’t or won’t talk about matters relating to managing the WEE then is there any point having a committee in the first place?

Town Council WEE committee involvement in the running of the WEE has been absymal in the past, but now it seems to be non-existent.

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