WEE event hailed as a ‘ginormous success’

The Smalltown Culture and Marketing Person (SCAMP) Billy Elliot has recently been busy earning his keep by sending out press releases highlighting how brilliant the White Elephant Enclosure is.

The first of three comedy nights, held last Friday, has been described as a ‘ginormous success’ after just over half the tickets were sold, with 125 people turning up to watch. With a combined population of around 25,000 in Smalltown and Dullbridge, this represents about 0.5 percent of residents. Hardly a huge number.

With tickets priced at £13 per seat this means a total income of £1600. However, it is likely that once the expenditure incurred to buy in the act, plus energy, staff, and booking office / credit card costs are factored in this will result in a £1940 loss for the venue.

In order to make the numbers look even better, the next two comedy nights will see the seating removed and replaced with tables and chairs, meaning that only 80 seats will be available. Whilst this will mean less income it may enable the SCAMP to issue press releases claiming that the venue is sold out.

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