Yesterday’s announcement that the application for funding to level Dullbridge had failed led to disappointment amongst the Smalltown and Dullbridge Sadgebore District Councillors who worked on the bid.
Cllr Fencesitter said: “I put a lot of effort into trying to think up ways to improve Dullbridge and let me tell you it wasn’t easy, but I worked jolly hard to come up with some places to plant trees.
The Dullbridge bid was firmly rooted in both the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan. It built on those policies, which don’t really amount to much in the first place, but planting trees would have seen Dullbridge branching out.
It is deeply disappointing that the Government has overlooked the importance of trees when it comes to regenerating coastal and market towns, and Dullbridge has been overlooked once again. It is bad enough that Sadgebore District Council has ignored the needs of Dullbridge, unless it is to grant planning permission for more houses on every bit of green space. The Re-Imagine Dullbridge bid (RIDBID) would have seen a little bit of green reintroduced to the area.
Shall I go on? I can go on and on and on about this for hours.”
Smalltown’s Most Popular Person (Dullbridge Public Enemy Number One) Cllr Jock McCads also went on and on and on “As both a local Councillor and the Chair of the Chamber of Business Benefiting the Local Economy in Dullbridge (COBBLED) I know how important this bid was to kick-start regenerating the town. People in Dullbridge will feel angry that they are overlooked once again. They will be saying ‘what do we have to do to be noticed?’ It’s very disappointing.
There is no doubt that my contribution to the plan, which involved taking out some of the free on-street parking to find the space to plant Cllr Fencesitter’s trees, would have brought huge benefits to the local supermarkets, who would have seen an increase in the number of shoppers thanks to their free car parking provision, which would have taken trade away from the shops in Dullbridge town centre. “
Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillor Robert NotBothered said councillor “I am very, very, very, very, very disappointed. My wife, Jane NotBothered, is an Illiberal Party Councillor on Sadgebore District Council and although she had absolutely no input into the RIDBID, which was purely a BeFuddled Party thing, we still feel very let down.”
SaD Town Councillor Banish Barracuda whispered “It is disappointing to see that Dullbridge has again been overlooked. Remind me – where is Dullbridge? The name rings a bell, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
Meanwhile, SaDTC, Sadgebore District and All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset County Councillor Squire Teflon said “Hahaha. Another disappointment for those useless BeFuddled Councillors. It’s just one disappointment after another for them, isn’t it? “