SomersetClive contributor issues apology

SomersetClive contributor Jezza Barksome has issued an apology to Squire Teflon’s close-friend and employer Mistress Bones after being hit with backlash from readers over an article he wrote in early December in which he claimed that a high percentage of Smalltown residents would like to see Mistress Bones being forced to parade naked through the streets of Smalltown so they could throw rotten tomatoes at her.

Jezza wrote to Squire Teflon “Dear Squire, I am sorry if my article caused offence. It has since been brought to my attention that the last thing any one in Smalltown wants to see is a naked Mistress Bones.

So I apologise to any residents who may have had nightmares after thinking about this. With hindsight it really isn’t something anyone wants to see.”

However, Jezza said Squire Teflon and Mistress Bones have rejected his apology with the couple saying saying “We are constantly subjected to attacks from Mr Barkmore who, in the past, has highlighted the amount of money spent on projects proposed by Mistress Bones as part of her Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events Social Team (SaDDEST) and, more recently, her Smalltown Shops (SS) group. So what if her schemes have been a disasterous waste of council money?

Mr Barksome wrote solely to Squire Teflon, ignoring Mistress Bones altogether. What remains to be addressed is his long-standing pattern of writing articles that spread hate, dangerous conspiracy theories and misogyny. As well as Mistress Bones he has previously upset the ex-Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) and it is just not good enough.

He may think that telling the truth is good journalism, but there are lots of things that we don’t want people to know.

SomersetClive will now be reviewing Mr Barksome’s contract of employment.

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