In an exclusive interview with SomersetClive to promote his new book ‘Chair‘ Squire Teflon has revealed that he “isn’t trying to bring down the BeFuddleds”, but wants to “save them from themselves“.
The Squire also revealed that he had enough material for a second book saying “It could have been two books, put it that way. There’s a lot more dirt that I could have included which would have really seen the BeFuddleds and, in particular, Jackie McCads, squirm.
All that stuff about their treatment of me and the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager, for example, but I haven’t included that because I’m still hopeful that if they issue an apology we can reconcile.
The way I see it is I’m willing to forgive them for everything they’ve done, and I wish they’d actually sat down with me, properly, instead of saying I’m delusional and paranoid. Which obviously I am.
But actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I’d really like is some accountability. And an apology to my SCAM.
They know what they did, and I know why they did it. And they’ve been caught out, so they just need to come clean.
I pushed for a massive increase in the budget for the White Elephant Enclosure, knowing full well that to cover the cost they’d have to raise Council Tax. Which they have, but I pulled the dirty by refusing to support any increase in council tax. They need to admit that they fell for it.
He also claimed that any chance of reconciliation “is unlikely at the moment. What I’ve realised is that I don’t have any friends, apart from my close-friend and employer Mistress Bones. In politics you don’t really make friends and that’s part of the problem with the BeFuddleds – they want to be everyone’s friend. That’s why they find it so hard to make a decision and stick to it, they don’t want to upset anyone.
So right, you may not like me in the moment, but you’ll hate me in five or ten years time.”
SomersetClive will be bringing you more from our exclusive interview with Squire Teflon over the coming days.