Residents told to stop drinking

Residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge are being encouraged to give up alcohol after having one last full-on binge over the Christmas period.

The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council says that there are many benefits to going alcohol-free, including better sleep, reduced blood pressure and boosting energy. Abstention also reduces the risk of late night AceCrook rants and could help curb any tendency to send out abusive emails.

Giving up the booze can also help with the Cost of Living Crisis as the savings made could help those residents who may have lost a number of chairs following the May elections and who are now having to survive on a seriously reduced Councillor salary, make their money go further.

Cllr Andy Prance, Executive Lead Member for Public Health, Equality, Diversity and No Liberty said: “Dry January is a really good opportunity for many people to give their body a chance to recover and feel healthier after the festive period.

It is far too easy for regular drinking to creep up and turn in to a daily habit, and taking some time out could mean residents will suffer less early morning headaches, thus enabling them to complete their newspaper rounds in a timely fashion.”

It is believed that the BeFuddled Party controlled All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council will be going all out in 2023 to ensure that residents have no fun whatsoever.

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