Smalltown Media Tycoon, Mike Maxman, owner of the award winning and World famous Smalltown-and-Dullbridge-(SaD).com website (Ed – Steve, do you think you could stop mentioning his awards? It upsets me. Anyone would think you are angling for a job with Mr Maxman.) has been in contact with the SomersetClive office to respond to the allegations of censorship levelled at both he and Squire Teflon.
(Ed – Hah! So Mr Maxman has been looking at my website has he? Hah. Yes, that’s right, Mr Maxman, SomersetClive is hot on your heels. Make the most of polishing those awards while you can. We are coming for them.)
Mr Maxman said “I am not at liberty to discuss this with you, but I can confirm that I have appointed a new moderator on a temporary basis to the forum, who will be removing any posts which are deemed to have broken the ‘Squire Teflon Rules of Forum Posting’.
I would request that readers and contributors bear with us during this difficult time.”
Whether any posts will remain after the new moderator had finished their work is questionable. Similarly a purge of members deemed to have broken the rules could leave only Squire Teflon and his various forum identities able to post in the future.
It is currently unknown which of the 9,400 posts relating to the White Elephant Enclosure, the budget, the non-existent business plan, the Most Wonderful Employee in the Universe or the historic failings of the White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee to curb the amount of spending on the venue has fallen foul of the Squire.