As the Godfather of the BeFuddled Party in Smalltown and Dullbridge, (Yes, you’ve all got me to thank for recruiting all the new ex-Teachers who now make up the majority on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council), my protegees often look to me for advice on how to maintain the middle ground whilst arguing with yourself.
I am pleased to say that I am an expert in fence sitting. I can argue both sides of a debate without actually making a decision and it is this experience which I am happy to share with the BeFuddled Councillors.
Take the current issues with the White Elephant Enclosure for example.
I can fully see why some people are making the case to close it down and reallocate the money to something worthwhile, but equally it could be said that there’s an argument to keep it open. It’s very difficult, isn’t it? All a bit of a muddle.
If my BeFuddled recruits weren’t quite so spineless I’d like to think they would do the right thing. Unfortunately they have no backbones and absolutely no idea what they are doing, so the only thing they can do is stay on the fence and not do anything apart from listen to my advice to not do anything at all.
Meanwhile, I’d like to share a great new idea that I’ve had with you all.
I recently attended a performance at the WEE featuring a BABA tribute band. In case you are unaware, BABA were a popular middle-of-the-road musical combination band from Finland, with legions of BeFuddled Party fans. Consequently the tribute band performance at the WEE was almost sold out.
I have concluded that:
a) many people want to see these acts.
b) they generate good income.
Therefore it would make perfect sense to me if the White Elephant Enclosure put on more of these shows, as they would certainly bring in the crowds and increase income.
Unfortunately there aren’t enough tribute acts to fill all the slots needed to cover costs. Other bookings will also be needed.
And therein lies the problem.
(SomersetClive has conducted our own research and we can confirm that there are 294 different BABA tribute bands worldwide (source: BABAwikidom) so the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) could book a different tribute five times a week.
The White Elephant Enclosure could then be renamed The BABA the Elephant Enclosure.)