Literary competition returns

Organisers of Smalltown’s Literary Festival have announced that the event will return to the town next year and are also inviting would-be writers in the area to submit their own compositions for the short story competition.

Literary Festival organiser Jonty Pinnup said “This year we are opening up the competition to writers all over the UK, in exchange for an entry fee. But Somerset residents can still send in their submissions for free.

Entries will be judged by a panel of literary experts, including popular local crime author, Nicholas Voyd, so we are expecting a shed-load of entries from women of a certain age hoping to attract his attention.

Budding writers can also submit entries into the poetry category, if they really must.”

An entry from Squire Teflon’s close-friend and employer Mistress Bones is expected, with the organisers saying “When it comes to creative writing Mistress bones is an expert in the field and we are eagerly waiting to see exactly how creative she can be with a random selection of words.”

SomersetClive’s very own Steve Gull will be entering again this year, hoping to capitalise on his winning entry last year ‘Love in a Small Town’ (copies still available in G. W. Hurlings).

(Ed – Steve, didn’t you get disqualified last year for entering a piece of non-fiction in the fiction category?)

This year Steve will be entering his festive story ‘A Great Christmas Tale of Two Town’s Expectations with a Twist‘, which SomersetClive will be serialising over the Christmas period for the delight of our readers.

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