To all members of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.
Next Monday’s full town council meeting of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council will not be held at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others.)
In order to make BeFuddled Councillors feel more comfortable the meeting will instead be held in Chapelmeadows School in Dullbridge (but not too far into Dullbridge, because – you know).
Any Town Councillors who need help with directions to Dullbridge are asked to contact the Smalltown New Admistration Guru (SNAG) Katie Global. Any Councillors who know where Dullbridge is are asked to contact the SNAG in order to help her give directions to everyone else.
Announcing the news, Headmistress and Town Mayor, Cllr Kelsey Dullard, said “I’m delighted that we will be leaving Hayloft Road Palace empty for the night and instead moving to the lovely surroundings of a school. I much prefer chairing meetings in a lovely school environment.
It has always seemed pointless to me to hold meetings in the town council-owned Hayloft Road Palace, when we can pay to hire a school hall.
Besides, the residents of Dullbridge always claim that they feel ignored by this council, so holding the meeting in their Town will make them realise that we do know they are there and will give them a chance to come along and watch us in action.
Obviously their attendance will mean having to leave their tepid homes and walk in wintery conditions to Chapelmeadows, and we are hoping that not many will bother making the trek, but at least we can say we listened, tried having meetings in Dullbridge and it didn’t work.”